Eleven + West



DIY Gift Card Holders

Creative Lifestyle, CreativityGina PaulsonComment

Hi Friends! With the last week before Christmas upon us I wanted to sneak a little blog post before you get sucked away into the holiday craziness. First, I wanted to send a genuine thank you to those of you who have supported my little holiday pop-up shop this season. As the holiday comes to a close the shop will close too, and as sad as I am to no longer get to handletter Christmas goods, I'm really excited about some fun things I have planned this upcoming year. I'll be doing a reflections post about this first year starting out and talk about where I want to take this little side hustle in 2016 in an upcoming blog post, so be on the look out for that! But seriously, whether you made a purchase this season or sent me kind words, a genuine, full-hearted thank you because it meant the world to me.

Whether you've been crazy busy or just tend to procrastinate (maybe a little of both!?) you probably have some last minute shopping to squeeze in this week. I know I do, and I also know that a handful of those gifts are going to be gift cards. Don't judge me- some people are just hard to shop for! Even though a gift card is not the most personable gift out there, I'm adding a little personal touch to mine with these DIY handlettered gift card holders. NOW, if you're on my newsletter subscription, you got these handlettered designs for FREE in today's newsletter. If you are not on the newsletter, I'm sorry. You should be. Sign up in the sidebar. But you'll get the cut out template for free to get creative with! It's super easy, took me less than 5 minutes and all you need is paper and glue. 

STEP 1: Download and PRINT this file. I printed this on cardstock.

STEP 2: CUT it out & FOLD the tabs (shown below)

STEP 3: GLUE the tabs. You should be applying glue onto TWO tabs then folding the tabs closed to make a little pocket. 

STEP 4: Allow the glue to dry and insert gift card. I also added a little washi tape to one of mine and a piece of gold glitter paper on the inside of one for a little extra flair! Get creative and I'd love to see what you guys come up with! 

BOOM. Done! 

Holiday Shop Introductions | My Christmas Cards

Creative ShopGina PaulsonComment

Now that Halloween is over, I can officially start gearing up for Christmas. Okay, in the retail world this actually started months ago but I've been saving up to share with you guys! I have a few products that I can't wait to put out there and offer to you this holiday season! The first one actually came by popular request by friends and family and I've created a process that allows me to share it with even more people now! 

Meet my SEMI-CUSTOM Holiday Cards (which also happen to be my ACTUAL Christmas cards for 2015, adorbs right? Thanks Jordan for capturing our wedding so beautifully

What does SEMI-CUSTOM mean? Well as much as I would LOOVEE to hand-design a fully custom card for every human possible, I wanted an option that was cheaper and quicker for people. (Though, if you still want something totally custom- I'm all ears!) These are hand-lettered by me and the designs have the ability to be customized to your photos. So if you need to change the size, placement or color of any of them it can easily be done. I'm printing these on some really nice 110 lb cardstock and they come with envelopes! They are one sided and sharpie proof so if you do want to add your own little message to the back of any of them, you totally can! 

So how does it work? Check out the SHOP here  Under Almost-Custom Holiday Cards, you can view a large selection of ideas for the cards and start to get an idea of what you want. 

  1. Decide on how many photos you have and you want to use and decide on what saying you want on the card
  2. Select how many cards you need and click Add To Cart (NOTE: Shipping is already factored into cost, so there are no additional costs!) 
  3. Follow check out instructions on website
  5. You'll receive a digtial proof within 48 hours. EMAIL ME BACK with your approval.
  6. You receive them within 2 weeks. BOOM. DONE. 

Feel free to email me with ANY questions you have or if you're not sure which photo would look best you may send a couple and I can help you decide. I'm REALLY in LOVE with these cards, I want to make one for myself in like every design, that's normal right? I'd love to help you create your own custom Christmas card so let's do it! GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Thanks, friends!